Online Map Creation using AZ_PROJ v1.1.7

Joe NA3T (EME B,D) and Michael NV3Z (EME B,D)

banner map

seasons animation Latest News: 16 Jul 2024

Mark WM7D is bringing up a new server. The date to go live, is to be determined. If we go down in the changeover, we'll be back.

30 Jul 2024: AZ_PROJ is 30 years old. (OK I'm jumping the gun by 2 weeks.) The code was released on 30 Jul 1994, by NV3Z and myself at the NEWS VHF conference in TN. It runs a lot faster now (thanks to Moore's Law).

Old News:

13 Feb 2020: If you're running az_proj from the command line and have suddenly started getting

Error: /undefined in .devicename
here's the cure. Thanks to Rob, KA2PBT and Chris, N0UK for alerting me.

Joe NA3T

This site is provided by Mark, WM7D in Reno, NV, USA.

NEW: Would you like to be a AZ_PROJ map server site ?

Joe last wasted time on this page on 08-Feb-2015, last server code upgrade 29-Oct-2017, running AZ_PROJ v1.1.7 21-Dec-2011 Changelog.

Fast Option: If you've been here before and know what to do, you can just go make a map using the short form or the long form

What's on the AZ_PROJ website

longitude animation
What is AZ_PROJ?
Sample maps
Most Wanted Grid Project, example maps US Ham Population Maps to help Rovers and VHF DX-pedition people plan their contests/vacations. (The Spring Sprints results and the Jul 2000 aurora opening maps show where the active VHF hams really are.)
make your own maps
download source files
history of az_proj
Presentations by NA3T Sites using AZ_PROJ for fun Thoughts on restructuring and where ham radio could be going.

What we can learn from analysing contest logs.

Some historical perspectives on ham radio, including US licensing conditions.

These links are dead. I'm looking for the original text.

Making a map here on the Server.

time animation This server can generate a downloadable customised colored map using a subset of AZ_PROJ's features. Anything you can do here, you can do at home too (the server is running the same code). You can use the short form if you only want to change the scale and the location of the center of the map. Otherwise, you can fill out the long form to use all of the server's features (elevation, center offset, gridsquares, lat/lon lines, geographical features, greyline, compass, beacons/TV stations).

I'm looking for...


Color Problems If the nighttime part of the globe animations are gray, rather than lightblue, (or you have blank spaces in this sentence) then here's an explanation.

Other Online Map Resources

Roger Hedin SM3GSJ has a Microsoft windows based azimuthal equidistant mapping program for hams which uses the same wdb database for the geographical information as this server.

The GARP Server is another az-equidistant map server. It has altitude (and ocean depth) information.

About the Azimuthal Equidistant Map Server

vi home page The server code is written in Perl. AZ_PROJ is written in Postscript. The animations of the globe(s) (viewable on netscape ver>= 2.02) were produced with gifmerge (Jul 2002, the link is dead). Small gifs (now converted to png) are from Spiderwoman's Collection of Icons and Images" . Here's our privacy policy.

How to contact us

e-mail send email to programmer Joe NA3T

About Joe NA3T: see my other webpage at

Joseph Mack NA3T (C) 1995-2014